Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Hello world!

Hey! You there! Why are you on my blog? What brought you here? Are you procrastinating? Are you so mind-numblingly bored that you resorted to reading the blog of an equally bored complete stranger? 

I'm Girl Genius, I am a 3rd year arts student. 
I keep taking time off to travel/have mental breakdowns/change my career goals which makes me TECHNICALLY a first year. I'm studying Entertainment. Don't ask me what I am going to do with that degree because it might trigger another meltdown/career change. Basically though, I want to make things. Mainly films. I want to educate people on people. I think that the media and society in general have crafted a false reality of who we are as humans. It's gotten so extreme that we end up hating ourselves and each other because we don't 'fit in' but really none of us do. It's a vicious, fucked up cycle. We don't even know who we are or how we feel or what we think any more. Everything we do, say and think has been manipulated and crafted by society. I want to experiment. I want to see if we can live in a world that is brutally honest. 

I want to see what it would be like to live in a world where relationships can be monogamous or polyamorous and neither will be judged or criticized.  I want to experience a world where in Sex Ed classes, kids learn that both men and women can orgasm, that both men and women are equally capable of experiencing sexual pleasure (something I did not discover until I was 18). I wonder what a world would be like if people didn't fuck or touch other people without enthusiastic consent? A world where women did not have to PAY for tampons and other magical devices that stopped blood filling up your undies and running down your leg every month. What about a world where every single human being could marry someone they love? Ha! Or a world where it wasn't the government's place to decide if people should be allowed to marry one another, or the governments place to decide if a woman has to give birth to the child she has conceived but cannot support. 

This is just a taste of my world. What I'm thinking. I'm incredibly selfish - this entire endeavour  is purely for my own curiosity. But I am oh so curious.