Monday, 21 December 2015
my heart hurts a little bit today. not for anyone else, for myself.
She doesn't know what she wants. She doesn't long for another, she longs to be content, to be whole.
my brain hurts a little bit today. He feels disconnected and misunderstood. He longs for another.
I'm hurting a little bit today. I want to connect. desperate to connect. latching onto every chance with beautiful eyes that walks into my life.
I don't feel like a person. I don't feel like a woman, I don't feel like a man. I don't feel like a lover, not a fighter. I'm a thinker. A feeler of emotions that don't link up. A contradiction. gemma the great contradiction.
She doesn't know what she wants. She doesn't long for another, she longs to be content, to be whole.
my brain hurts a little bit today. He feels disconnected and misunderstood. He longs for another.
I'm hurting a little bit today. I want to connect. desperate to connect. latching onto every chance with beautiful eyes that walks into my life.
I don't feel like a person. I don't feel like a woman, I don't feel like a man. I don't feel like a lover, not a fighter. I'm a thinker. A feeler of emotions that don't link up. A contradiction. gemma the great contradiction.
Saturday, 14 November 2015
Sunday, 18 October 2015
Thursday, 8 October 2015
Wednesday, 7 October 2015
How fun is life?
I can't stop thinking, but my mind is always blank.
I love myself but that is bad. Why does respecting myself make me an asshole? People don't like that. I don't want to be in-genuine but I want people to like me. I try so hard to go with exactly what I feel I want to do, 100% genuine. But people find that so odd, so uncomfortable. I don't care what people think, I just wish more people understood me. I'm not another fucking species. I just live for me. My ex boyfriend taught me that. I too thought it was so strange.
"What? You don't want to hang out because you just don't feel like it?"
And then I realised WHY WOULD YOU MAKE YOURSELF DO SOMETHING YOU SEE NO VALUE IN DOING? Why do we force ourselves to do shit when we don't want to? Be genuine, be honest. The rest will work itself out.
I got drunk the other night and messaged this guy. I have spoken to him very briefly at parties before, I have always thought he was cuuuuuuuute as. I said this -
"I think you're made of butterflies, are you? :)))"
At first, the next day I was soo embarrassed. Dammit Gemma, be cool. And then I was like, HOLD UP, I would LOVE someone to tell me I was made of butterflies. That is a big ass compliment.
(he replied with "Well duh! V sweet", which is a response I totally approve of)
Anyway, my point is, do whatever the fuck you want and the people that approve are the people you keep. I think. I'm still testing the theory for loopholes.
I have crushes on so many people. Maybe what I call crushes are what other people just feel when they think someone is hot? Either way, how cool are people? I want to hang out with all of them - well, just the ones I have crushes on.
Sometimes I think I post too many photos of myself, or too many statuses, or laugh too loud, or have too many pimples, or too many friends, not enough best friends, don't go on enough dates, talk to too many strangers on the internet, don't hug when I should hug, get too drunk, dance too much, don't listen to enough music, don't watch enough movies, tell too many people I have crushes on them. But I think that if everything you do, you do with confidence - you will be ok. People will still think you're weird or uncool or whatever but at least you will feel great about it and what's life if not one big attempt to feel great?
How fun is flirting though? And kissing? And laughing so hard your tummy hurts?
I love myself but that is bad. Why does respecting myself make me an asshole? People don't like that. I don't want to be in-genuine but I want people to like me. I try so hard to go with exactly what I feel I want to do, 100% genuine. But people find that so odd, so uncomfortable. I don't care what people think, I just wish more people understood me. I'm not another fucking species. I just live for me. My ex boyfriend taught me that. I too thought it was so strange.
"What? You don't want to hang out because you just don't feel like it?"
And then I realised WHY WOULD YOU MAKE YOURSELF DO SOMETHING YOU SEE NO VALUE IN DOING? Why do we force ourselves to do shit when we don't want to? Be genuine, be honest. The rest will work itself out.
I got drunk the other night and messaged this guy. I have spoken to him very briefly at parties before, I have always thought he was cuuuuuuuute as. I said this -
"I think you're made of butterflies, are you? :)))"
At first, the next day I was soo embarrassed. Dammit Gemma, be cool. And then I was like, HOLD UP, I would LOVE someone to tell me I was made of butterflies. That is a big ass compliment.
(he replied with "Well duh! V sweet", which is a response I totally approve of)
Anyway, my point is, do whatever the fuck you want and the people that approve are the people you keep. I think. I'm still testing the theory for loopholes.
I have crushes on so many people. Maybe what I call crushes are what other people just feel when they think someone is hot? Either way, how cool are people? I want to hang out with all of them - well, just the ones I have crushes on.
Sometimes I think I post too many photos of myself, or too many statuses, or laugh too loud, or have too many pimples, or too many friends, not enough best friends, don't go on enough dates, talk to too many strangers on the internet, don't hug when I should hug, get too drunk, dance too much, don't listen to enough music, don't watch enough movies, tell too many people I have crushes on them. But I think that if everything you do, you do with confidence - you will be ok. People will still think you're weird or uncool or whatever but at least you will feel great about it and what's life if not one big attempt to feel great?
How fun is flirting though? And kissing? And laughing so hard your tummy hurts?
Tuesday, 29 September 2015
Is there even really such thing as a 'best friend'? Or do we fake it? Make up excuses. Is a 'best friend' someone you are truly yourself around? Someone in which you have no secrets held? Do we ever meet someone that we honestly trust whole heartedly? Maybe I am the only one that hasn't felt this way. But maybe we all feel a little fucking lonely a lot of the time.
Wednesday, 23 September 2015
I can feel myself getting anxious again, I'm not writing as much, I am sleeping more, eating worse, my room is a mess.
I can't let this happen again.
I'll take myself on a date. To the cinema. The cinema always makes me happy. I will dress fabulous and go see a film, The Princess Bride tonight. Go see a film.
Sunday, 6 September 2015
An observation
This time last year I dropped out of uni and was having a mental breakdown. Now I'm the happiest I've ever been, I'm making art, I'm making so many friends, I weigh ten kilos less (I'm healthier) but the second I think about studying I melt down again? Maybe I'm not meant to study. How will I survive if I don't study though? I will be poor forever. Would it be dumb to drop out of uni and just work lots and make a lot of art? Or suck it up for a year and a half more and see what happens???? All I really want to do is travel, meet people and make art - I don't care where I work. HELP ME INTERNET WORLD I AM MELTING DOWN BUT ALSO NOT MELTING DOWN BECAUSE I AM REALLY HAPPY
Friday, 28 August 2015
Good Life Choices
Wednesday, 19 August 2015
Tuesday, 4 August 2015
Monday, 20 July 2015
January of last year, I was an INFJ.
The rarest of them all.
"Though soft spoken, will fight tirelessly for an idea that they believe in"
"INFJ's need time alone to decompress and recharge...may suddenly withdraw"
"The passion of their convictions may carry them past their breaking point"
"If out of hand, they may be exhausted, unhealthy and stressed"
I was standing up there with Martin Luther-King, Nelson Mandela and Mother Theresa.
The website tells me that my old self would take the time to find someone they truly connect with and once they find that person, their relationships would reach a level of depth and sincerity that most people can only dream of.
Is that what happened?
Relationships with an INFJ are not for the uncommitted or shallow.
Of intimacy I was told INFJ's go beyond the physical, embracing the emotional and spiritual connection they have with their partner.
INFJ's cherish what it means to become one with another person.
I became one with another.
Extroverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Prospect.
A truly free spirit.
Charming. Independent. Energetic. Compassionate.
I crave creativity and freedom.
I believe everyone should recognise and express their feelings.
ENFP's are very emotional.- when they step on someone's toes, they both feel it.
I am up there with Robert Downey Jr, Robin Williams, Sandra Bullock.
Very Popular and Friendly Very Popular and Friendly Very Popular and Friendly
"All this adaptability and spontaneity comes together to form a person who is approachable, interesting and exciting, with a cooperative and altruistic spirit and friendly, empathetic disposition. ENFPs get along with pretty much everyone, and their circles of friends stretch far and wide."
Perhaps I have always been ENFP.
I so badly wanted to be the 1%.
The rarest of them all.
"Though soft spoken, will fight tirelessly for an idea that they believe in"
"INFJ's need time alone to decompress and recharge...may suddenly withdraw"
"The passion of their convictions may carry them past their breaking point"
"If out of hand, they may be exhausted, unhealthy and stressed"
I was standing up there with Martin Luther-King, Nelson Mandela and Mother Theresa.
The website tells me that my old self would take the time to find someone they truly connect with and once they find that person, their relationships would reach a level of depth and sincerity that most people can only dream of.
Is that what happened?
Relationships with an INFJ are not for the uncommitted or shallow.
Of intimacy I was told INFJ's go beyond the physical, embracing the emotional and spiritual connection they have with their partner.
INFJ's cherish what it means to become one with another person.
I became one with another.
Extroverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Prospect.
A truly free spirit.
Charming. Independent. Energetic. Compassionate.
I crave creativity and freedom.
I believe everyone should recognise and express their feelings.
ENFP's are very emotional.- when they step on someone's toes, they both feel it.
I am up there with Robert Downey Jr, Robin Williams, Sandra Bullock.
Very Popular and Friendly Very Popular and Friendly Very Popular and Friendly
"All this adaptability and spontaneity comes together to form a person who is approachable, interesting and exciting, with a cooperative and altruistic spirit and friendly, empathetic disposition. ENFPs get along with pretty much everyone, and their circles of friends stretch far and wide."
Perhaps I have always been ENFP.
I so badly wanted to be the 1%.
ENFPs take their relationships seriously, and are known for their uninhibited and unshakeable devotion to the people to whom they've committed their hearts.
I commit my heart to myself.
You made me stronger. Thank you.
Now that I have met myself, I am never letting her go.
Sunday, 21 June 2015
A Stressed Student Speaks to Centrelink
1300 hours - Stressed Student tries to call Centrelink 5 times before they finally answer.
1301 hours- Stressed Student is put on hold by Centrelink.
1310 hours - Stressed Student is still on hold to Centrelink.
1330 hours - Alas! An Operator greets Stressed Student on the phone, Stressed Students leaps with excitement and tells said Operator of her dilemma. "I got a letter saying my youth allowance was cut off but I haven't been getting my youth allowance".
Operator tells Stressed Student she hasn't been getting youth allowance because she hasn't been reporting her earnings.
Stressed Student tells Operator she hasn't been reporting her earnings because Stresed Student hasn't been getting youth allowance.
1345 hours - Operator tells Stressed Student he cannot help her and will put her through to another Operator. Stressed Student is on hold again.
1400 hours - Alas! Another Operator greets Stressed Student. The first Operator had not told this Operator anything about Stressed Students situation. Stressed Student explains situation. Operator tells Stressed Student that this is the family department she has been put through to and Operator can not help Stressed Student. But don't worry Stressed Student, wait on hold and we will put you through to another Operator.
1410 hours - Still on hold.
1415 hours - Stressed Student's phone crashes from being on the phone for so long.
Stressed Student takes a break from begging for money from the Government to make a toasted sandwich. Stressed Student burns the sandwich but eats it any way as she can not afford to throw away food.
1500 hours - Stressed Student attempts to call Centrelink again.
1520 hours - Stressed Student is as expected, on hold.
1530 hours - "Hello?" Says the Operator.
"Uh hi, is this Centrelink?" Stressed Student asks, surprised at the casual manner in which the Operator speaks. "Yup" the Operator responds. Stressed Student takes a deep breath and retells her story. The Operator tells Stressed Student in order to recieve youth allowance, she must tell Centrelink all the money she has earnt in the past 3 months. Stressed Student has worked multiple jobs in this time and would need a few hours to compile this information. Stressed Student asks Operator if she can send Centrelink a letter with this information. Operator firmly tells Stressed Student that if she hangs up the phone, her payments will be cancelled again. Stressed Student who earns $130 per week and spends $110 on rent each week takes a deep breath without replying. Stressed Student can feel the lump in her throat, the burning in her eyes. She is going to cry. "I just, I have to go to work and it's going to take me a while to get that information for you and I have been trying to get through to you for ages but no one answers the phones and I can't afford groceries this week and I really need help."
"I can't help you."
The line goes dead.
1301 hours- Stressed Student is put on hold by Centrelink.
1310 hours - Stressed Student is still on hold to Centrelink.
1330 hours - Alas! An Operator greets Stressed Student on the phone, Stressed Students leaps with excitement and tells said Operator of her dilemma. "I got a letter saying my youth allowance was cut off but I haven't been getting my youth allowance".
Operator tells Stressed Student she hasn't been getting youth allowance because she hasn't been reporting her earnings.
Stressed Student tells Operator she hasn't been reporting her earnings because Stresed Student hasn't been getting youth allowance.
1345 hours - Operator tells Stressed Student he cannot help her and will put her through to another Operator. Stressed Student is on hold again.
1400 hours - Alas! Another Operator greets Stressed Student. The first Operator had not told this Operator anything about Stressed Students situation. Stressed Student explains situation. Operator tells Stressed Student that this is the family department she has been put through to and Operator can not help Stressed Student. But don't worry Stressed Student, wait on hold and we will put you through to another Operator.
1410 hours - Still on hold.
1415 hours - Stressed Student's phone crashes from being on the phone for so long.
Stressed Student takes a break from begging for money from the Government to make a toasted sandwich. Stressed Student burns the sandwich but eats it any way as she can not afford to throw away food.
1500 hours - Stressed Student attempts to call Centrelink again.
1520 hours - Stressed Student is as expected, on hold.
1530 hours - "Hello?" Says the Operator.
"Uh hi, is this Centrelink?" Stressed Student asks, surprised at the casual manner in which the Operator speaks. "Yup" the Operator responds. Stressed Student takes a deep breath and retells her story. The Operator tells Stressed Student in order to recieve youth allowance, she must tell Centrelink all the money she has earnt in the past 3 months. Stressed Student has worked multiple jobs in this time and would need a few hours to compile this information. Stressed Student asks Operator if she can send Centrelink a letter with this information. Operator firmly tells Stressed Student that if she hangs up the phone, her payments will be cancelled again. Stressed Student who earns $130 per week and spends $110 on rent each week takes a deep breath without replying. Stressed Student can feel the lump in her throat, the burning in her eyes. She is going to cry. "I just, I have to go to work and it's going to take me a while to get that information for you and I have been trying to get through to you for ages but no one answers the phones and I can't afford groceries this week and I really need help."
"I can't help you."
The line goes dead.
Monday, 15 June 2015
Still in the coffee shop
Ask anyone who doesn't know me. I'm always so happy!!!!!
I wish I could see things the way they do. This blueberry muffin is terrible.
Were there already fingerprints in it? Or did I put them there?
My coffee burnt my tongue, motherfucker.
They say money can't buy happiness but damn, $13 would be great right now. I wanna go to the movies.
Be my best friend and don't back out. That's not friendship.
I want someone to take me to the movies. Take me to Cuba you motherfucker.
I wish I could see things the way they do. This blueberry muffin is terrible.
Were there already fingerprints in it? Or did I put them there?
My coffee burnt my tongue, motherfucker.
They say money can't buy happiness but damn, $13 would be great right now. I wanna go to the movies.
Be my best friend and don't back out. That's not friendship.
I want someone to take me to the movies. Take me to Cuba you motherfucker.
Constantly nervous, speaking loudly about nothing.
Struggling to remain a functioning part of society.
I could stay in bed for the next 3 days and no one would notice.
There's a cute guy working at this coffee shop. I think he was flirting with me.
I'm not good at flirting.
Now he's flirting with the next customer.
Customer Service, I guess.
This other customer talks too loud about nothing. He's making me uncomfortable.
My face is itchy, my heart is shaking.
I am constantly nervous, more nerves pumping through my veins than there is blood.
I'm empty and heavy all at the same time. So heavy.
I could stay in bed for the next 3 days and no one would notice.
There's a cute guy working at this coffee shop. I think he was flirting with me.
I'm not good at flirting.
Now he's flirting with the next customer.
Customer Service, I guess.
This other customer talks too loud about nothing. He's making me uncomfortable.
My face is itchy, my heart is shaking.
I am constantly nervous, more nerves pumping through my veins than there is blood.
I'm empty and heavy all at the same time. So heavy.
Sunday, 7 June 2015
Know Me
How can I know so many people and none know me?
I want someone to understand me like I understand myself
I am a good person
I am brilliant
Why won’t any one see that
I have goals and ambition
I am smart
I am fucking hilarious
I am stylish
I am beautiful
I know this
Why doesn’t anyone else?
I know I don’t need anyone’s acceptance
I want it
Because some days I see myself the way others do
And I don’t like it
By Gemma Elsom (Girl Genius)
Thursday, 4 June 2015
Wednesday, 3 June 2015
Saturday, 23 May 2015
A Happy Life
We’ve been together for about 18 years and we’ll be together forever.
I didn’t always appreciate what she had given me. I thought this relationship was boring, repetitive, and empty. This relationship was hard, really hard. It got so hard that I couldn’t see the point in carrying on anymore. Nothing’s going to change, I thought-- I may as well just end it, stop the pain. I was so convinced that everyone was judging my relationship; criticizing our decisions, our behavior, the way we looked, the way we talked. I was convinced that we were nothing. I didn’t leave the house for weeks. Twiddling my fingers and waiting for something to change.
Then one day, it occurred to me. I can fix this. I have the opportunity to make this all okay again. I can be happy. We started doing more stuff together. I started noticing the beautiful things about her, the small details. I noticed how energy starts flowing through her body when she smiles, tickling her toes with happiness. I noticed how when she breathes in through her mouth, her stomach rises a little bit. I noticed how her skin turns red after just 10 minutes in the sun. I noticed how she doesn’t always wash all the conditioner out of her hair and I noticed how her shoulders were always stiff because they hold the weight of the world.
I realised that the whole time we had been together, I had hated her. I had hated her because I was supposed to. Everybody else hates her legs, stomach, teeth, hair, boobs, personality. I realised that I would stare at her naked and pick out every disgusting thing about her. She wasn’t worthy of being happy. She wasn’t like she was supposed to be. She didn’t like patting cute dogs, grinding to rap music, or smoking at parties. She was different, she was weird.
But suddenly I learnt to like her. To love her, and to treat her right.
I’m talking about my life. The most important thing in my life; the day I realised that it was okay to treat myself properly was the day that I wanted to live again.
By Gemma Elsom (Girl Genius)
The Truth
I am so scared of
what I do not know.
Why do our voices change?
Or where does the wind blow.
You are so fast, why am I so slow?
Why do our voices change?
Or where does the wind blow.
You are so fast, why am I so slow?
am made of merely meat and bone.
did not choose to be born in this world,
I am now another clone
my life staring at my phone.
can pretend we know what it’s all about,
our daughter a ballerina
boy a scout
gluten free diet and daily workout,
we all end up with the same prize.
push and we pull,
our surprise
everyone we know eventually dies.By Gemma Elsom (Girl Genius)
Eat Me Whole
A knife, slicing me
Over and over, I am
Begging you to stop.
Begging you to stop.
Season me to taste
You cannot pick me apart
And declare me yours
By Gemma Elsom (Girl Genius)
You cannot pick me apart
And declare me yours
By Gemma Elsom (Girl Genius)
How to Achieve Orgasm
Uncontaminated. Undamaged.
Girl 1 needed a place to
rest her drunken mind. The boy obliged.
The boy and the other
girl swam naked under the moonlight, begging Girl 1 to join.
Girl 1 peeled her dress
off in the dark, and in her purple panties dived into the blue unknown.
The other girl left. The
other girl knew what the boy was planning. The other girl knew. The other girl
Girl 1 knew what the boy
The boy thought he knew what Girl 1 wanted.
She cried as he invaded
her space,
The only place that was
completely hers.
Her back, her legs, her
The one thing she owned
that she could not replace.
Her entire time on earth
would be spent in this body
Speak her first word, cry
to her mother, learn to walk,
in this body.
Win cross country and
travel the world,
in this body.
Perform hundreds of
Playing hundreds of
characters but always –
in this body
He didn’t kiss, avoiding
Too eager to take her
clothes off.
Fuck her.
Too eager to even ask if
she wanted it.
The boy left Girl 1 naked
in his bed.
Shivering, Sobbing,
Bleeding feels like
Dirty, scum, broken.
They call him the virgin
By Gemma Elsom (Girl Genius)
We Must Have Died Alone
I smoke the doob you rolled
Drink my red, Bowie sings
To me. You threw my CD's
and slammed the door
Said we were too
Apples and oranges
You had pink hair, when
we met
Pink as the setting sky,
so beautiful –
I remember. I sighed,
You didn’t notice me.
A year passed.
First day of class, the
final year.
You were younger, so
eager to play.
We never spoke but I knew
you were there.
Did you think of me? Did
you watch me from the back row?
Did your ears perk up
when you heard my voice?
Weeks pass.
“Have you guys met?”
You suggested we do
tequila shots
Out of each other’s belly
I thought you were so
charming, so cocky.
Another year passes.
I see you from a mile
away, your freshly shaved head
Laughing at another’s
You don’t see me. I’m
The birthday girl is
cutting her cake.
I forget my fears and
beeline through the crowd.
I make fun of your shirt.
I catch your eyes. You smile.
My heart pounds with
excitement, lust and desire.
3 days pass.
We pull up to my house at
After hours of adventure
and flirting,
Breaking the ice and
testing the waters.
I don’t invite you in. My
mother would wake.
A day passes.
We slept on the beach
that night.
Getting high and eating
lolly snakes
You gave me all the pink
You kiss me on the cheek,
a gentleman –
I kiss you on the lips,
unusually brave.
We saw each other every
For a year and a half, so
in love.
You lived with me, we
travelled together.
We laughed, we cried, went
to weddings and funerals.
Hand in hand, we sailed life and love.
And now you want to
An empty body that was
once reliant on you –
A body-less soul floating without
a cause.
By Gemma Elsom (Girl Genius)
By Gemma Elsom (Girl Genius)
Open Your Eyes
Perhaps happiness is not meant to be lasting.
Perhaps happiness is the little things-
those brief moments of content.
Waking up to rain on a Sunday morning,
Or making a new friend that you
did not expect,
When you really love a song and
you feel as though it is written
just for you...
Maybe that is all happiness is
Maybe our expectations have been too high
We've been looking for it
in the wrong places. in other people.
Happiness is everywhere, all the time
maybe if we open our eyes, we'll find it.
By Gemma Elsom (Girl Genius)
Perhaps happiness is the little things-
those brief moments of content.
Waking up to rain on a Sunday morning,
Or making a new friend that you
did not expect,
When you really love a song and
you feel as though it is written
just for you...
Maybe that is all happiness is
Maybe our expectations have been too high
We've been looking for it
in the wrong places. in other people.
Happiness is everywhere, all the time
maybe if we open our eyes, we'll find it.
By Gemma Elsom (Girl Genius)
The Girl Made of Cushion
The girl made of cushion,
Too soft for her own good.
Anyone, please, hold her.
Anyone, please, use her.
Anyone, please, rip her open.
Let the stuffing bust out.
empty her
So she is nothing but a cover.
No padding left.
Now there is nothing to cushion the blow
Patched up, the stitches concealed.
By Gemma Elsom (Girl Genius)
Too soft for her own good.
Anyone, please, hold her.
Anyone, please, use her.
Anyone, please, rip her open.
Let the stuffing bust out.
empty her
So she is nothing but a cover.
No padding left.
Now there is nothing to cushion the blow
Patched up, the stitches concealed.
By Gemma Elsom (Girl Genius)
I'm so grey.
Can never commit.
Neither gay nor straight,
Happy nor sad,
Fat nor skinny.
I trust nothing.
My mother told me
To not trust anyone
So I don't -
Even her.
I know myself,
Like the back of my hand
I am selfish and vain
Yet selfless and ugly
I'm so grey.
By Gemma Elsom (Girl Genius)
Can never commit.
Neither gay nor straight,
Happy nor sad,
Fat nor skinny.
I trust nothing.
My mother told me
To not trust anyone
So I don't -
Even her.
I know myself,
Like the back of my hand
I am selfish and vain
Yet selfless and ugly
I'm so grey.
By Gemma Elsom (Girl Genius)
Thou Must Not Complain
Thou must not complain -
There are children starving,
Mothers crying, fathers dying,
Homes collapsing, diseases spreading,
Thou must not complain.
How can we measure the pain of another?
If it's pain, it's pain,
If it hurts, it hurts.
How dare we pick and choose
What is worthy of our sympathy!
By Gemma Elsom (Girl Genius)
There are children starving,
Mothers crying, fathers dying,
Homes collapsing, diseases spreading,
Thou must not complain.
How can we measure the pain of another?
If it's pain, it's pain,
If it hurts, it hurts.
How dare we pick and choose
What is worthy of our sympathy!
By Gemma Elsom (Girl Genius)
Two Chatty Ladies
Two Chatty Ladies
Two chatty ladies chatmuch too loudly, I can't hear
my breakfast over the
sound of your chatting.
One chatty lady says
she loves arrogant men,
The other chatty lady
roars with laughter.
How does one/two's voice/s
sound so loud?
So early on a Sunday?
The chatty ladies are
defying the laws of sound.
By Gemma Elsom (Girl Genius)
Tuesday, 21 April 2015
Hello world!
Hey! You there! Why are you on my blog? What brought you here? Are you procrastinating? Are you so mind-numblingly bored that you resorted to reading the blog of an equally bored complete stranger?
I'm Girl Genius, I am a 3rd year arts student.
I keep taking time off to travel/have mental breakdowns/change my career goals which makes me TECHNICALLY a first year. I'm studying Entertainment. Don't ask me what I am going to do with that degree because it might trigger another meltdown/career change. Basically though, I want to make things. Mainly films. I want to educate people on people. I think that the media and society in general have crafted a false reality of who we are as humans. It's gotten so extreme that we end up hating ourselves and each other because we don't 'fit in' but really none of us do. It's a vicious, fucked up cycle. We don't even know who we are or how we feel or what we think any more. Everything we do, say and think has been manipulated and crafted by society. I want to experiment. I want to see if we can live in a world that is brutally honest.
I want to see what it would be like to live in a world where relationships can be monogamous or polyamorous and neither will be judged or criticized. I want to experience a world where in Sex Ed classes, kids learn that both men and women can orgasm, that both men and women are equally capable of experiencing sexual pleasure (something I did not discover until I was 18). I wonder what a world would be like if people didn't fuck or touch other people without enthusiastic consent? A world where women did not have to PAY for tampons and other magical devices that stopped blood filling up your undies and running down your leg every month. What about a world where every single human being could marry someone they love? Ha! Or a world where it wasn't the government's place to decide if people should be allowed to marry one another, or the governments place to decide if a woman has to give birth to the child she has conceived but cannot support.
This is just a taste of my world. What I'm thinking. I'm incredibly selfish - this entire endeavour is purely for my own curiosity. But I am oh so curious.
I'm Girl Genius, I am a 3rd year arts student.
I keep taking time off to travel/have mental breakdowns/change my career goals which makes me TECHNICALLY a first year. I'm studying Entertainment. Don't ask me what I am going to do with that degree because it might trigger another meltdown/career change. Basically though, I want to make things. Mainly films. I want to educate people on people. I think that the media and society in general have crafted a false reality of who we are as humans. It's gotten so extreme that we end up hating ourselves and each other because we don't 'fit in' but really none of us do. It's a vicious, fucked up cycle. We don't even know who we are or how we feel or what we think any more. Everything we do, say and think has been manipulated and crafted by society. I want to experiment. I want to see if we can live in a world that is brutally honest.
I want to see what it would be like to live in a world where relationships can be monogamous or polyamorous and neither will be judged or criticized. I want to experience a world where in Sex Ed classes, kids learn that both men and women can orgasm, that both men and women are equally capable of experiencing sexual pleasure (something I did not discover until I was 18). I wonder what a world would be like if people didn't fuck or touch other people without enthusiastic consent? A world where women did not have to PAY for tampons and other magical devices that stopped blood filling up your undies and running down your leg every month. What about a world where every single human being could marry someone they love? Ha! Or a world where it wasn't the government's place to decide if people should be allowed to marry one another, or the governments place to decide if a woman has to give birth to the child she has conceived but cannot support.
This is just a taste of my world. What I'm thinking. I'm incredibly selfish - this entire endeavour is purely for my own curiosity. But I am oh so curious.
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