Sunday, 21 June 2015

A Stressed Student Speaks to Centrelink

1300 hours - Stressed Student tries to call Centrelink 5 times before they finally answer.
1301 hours- Stressed Student is put on hold by Centrelink.
1310 hours - Stressed Student is still on hold to Centrelink.
1330 hours - Alas! An Operator greets Stressed Student on the phone, Stressed Students leaps with excitement and tells said Operator of her dilemma. "I got a letter saying my youth allowance was cut off but I haven't been getting my youth allowance".
Operator tells Stressed Student she hasn't been getting youth allowance because she hasn't been reporting her earnings.
Stressed Student tells Operator she hasn't been reporting her earnings because Stresed Student hasn't been getting youth allowance.
1345 hours - Operator tells Stressed Student he cannot help her and will put her through to another Operator. Stressed Student is on hold again.
1400 hours - Alas! Another Operator greets Stressed Student. The first Operator had not told this Operator anything about Stressed Students situation. Stressed Student explains situation. Operator tells Stressed Student that this is the family department she has been put through to and Operator can not help Stressed Student. But don't worry Stressed Student, wait on hold and we will put you through to another Operator.
1410 hours - Still on hold.
1415 hours - Stressed Student's phone crashes from being on the phone for so long.

Stressed Student takes a break from begging for money from the Government to make a toasted sandwich. Stressed Student burns the sandwich but eats it any way as she can not afford to throw away food.

1500 hours - Stressed Student attempts to call Centrelink again.
1520 hours - Stressed Student is as expected, on hold.
1530 hours - "Hello?" Says the Operator.
"Uh hi, is this Centrelink?" Stressed Student asks, surprised at the casual manner in which the Operator speaks. "Yup" the Operator responds. Stressed Student takes a deep breath and retells her story. The Operator tells Stressed Student in order to recieve youth allowance, she must tell Centrelink all the money she has earnt in the past 3 months. Stressed Student has worked multiple jobs in this time and would need a few hours to compile this information. Stressed Student asks Operator if she can send Centrelink a letter with this information. Operator firmly tells Stressed Student that if she hangs up the phone, her payments will be cancelled again. Stressed Student who earns $130 per week and spends $110 on rent each week takes a deep breath without replying. Stressed Student can feel the lump in her throat, the burning in her eyes. She is going to cry. "I just, I have to go to work and it's going to take me a while to get that information for you and I have been trying to get through to you for ages but no one answers the phones and I can't afford groceries this week and I really need help."

"I can't help you."

The line goes dead.

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