Monday, 20 July 2015


January of last year, I was an INFJ.
The rarest of them all. 

"Though soft spoken, will fight tirelessly for an idea that they believe in"

"INFJ's need time alone to decompress and recharge...may suddenly withdraw"
"The passion of their convictions may carry them past their breaking point"
"If out of hand, they may be exhausted, unhealthy and stressed"

I was standing up there with Martin Luther-King, Nelson Mandela and Mother Theresa. 

The website tells me that my old self would take the time to find someone they truly connect with and once they find that person, their relationships would reach a level of depth and sincerity that most people can only dream of. 

Is that what happened?

Relationships with an INFJ are not for the uncommitted or shallow.

Of intimacy I was told INFJ's go beyond the physical, embracing the emotional and spiritual connection they have with their partner. 

INFJ's cherish what it means to become one with another person. 

I became one with another. 


Extroverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Prospect.
A truly free spirit. 
Charming. Independent. Energetic. Compassionate.
I crave creativity and freedom. 
I believe everyone should recognise and express their feelings.

ENFP's are very emotional.- when they step on someone's toes, they both feel it. 

I am up there with Robert Downey Jr, Robin Williams, Sandra Bullock. 

Very Popular and Friendly Very Popular and Friendly Very Popular and Friendly 
"All this adaptability and spontaneity comes together to form a person who is approachable, interesting and exciting, with a cooperative and altruistic spirit and friendly, empathetic disposition. ENFPs get along with pretty much everyone, and their circles of friends stretch far and wide."

Perhaps I have always been ENFP. 
I so badly wanted to be the 1%. 

ENFPs take their relationships seriously, and are known for their uninhibited and unshakeable devotion to the people to whom they've committed their hearts.
I commit my heart to myself.
You made me stronger. Thank you. 
Now that I have met myself, I am never letting her go. 

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